About Gui Minhai

Gui Minhai (桂敏海) was born on May 5, in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China.  At the age of 17, he moved to Beijing to study history at Peking University.  During this time as a student, he developed an interest in poetry and spent much of his time writing.  After obtaining his bachelor’s degree, he worked as an editor at the People’s Education Press until 1988, when he moved to Sweden for postgraduate study, and later work, at the University of Gothenburg.  Following the Tiananmen massacre, Gui was granted permanent residency in Sweden in 1989.  Gui was naturalised as a citizen of Sweden in 1992.

After working in China for five years, Gui moved to Germany in 2004 and started working as an author for publishers of books on the Chinese government.  In 2006, Gui joined the Independent Chinese PEN Centre — the Chinese chapter of PEN International — where he became involved with its campaigns for freedom of speech in China, attending and speaking at various human rights conferences.  Gui tried to return to China in 2008 to visit his family, but was refused entry.

In 2012, Gui established Mighty Current Media in Hong Kong, a publisher and distributor of books specialising in mainland Chinese politics and the lives of Chinese politicians.  Mighty Current bought Causeway Bay Bookstore in 2014.

Gui Minhai was last seen on October 17, 2015, when he left his holiday apartment in Pattaya, Thailand, with a man in a striped shirt who was speaking Chinese on his phone.  Since then he has been in detention in mainland China without legal assistance or consular access.  Chinese authorities only admitted to having detained Gui in January 2016, after state-controlled TV channel CCTV aired a forced confession video of him saying he had killed a girl in a traffic accident in 2003, and that he had returned to China voluntarily to turn himself in for this.  Other than this, no information on his status or whereabouts has been given to his family nor to Swedish authorities.


(incomplete, as he often published his work under pseudonyms):

  • 二十世纪西方文化史掠影. By Ahai 阿海, 1964-. Beijing: Beijing shifan xueyuan chubanshe 北京师范学院出版社, 1991.
  • Feudalism in Chinese Marxist Historiography. Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), 1992. By Minhai Gui.
    (PDF copy on request)
  • 日耳曼文明之源: 北欧神话 / Ri’erman wenming zhi yuan: Bei-Ou shenhua. By 桂敏 海, Minhai Gui. Shenyang: Liaoning daxue chubanshe 辽宁大学出版社, 1996.
  • 高天原浮世绘: 日本神话 / Gaotian Yuan fushihui: Riben shenhua. Co-authors: 刘毅, (神话) 刘毅著. 赵秀敏, 桂敏海; Yi Liu, (shen hua); Xiumin Zhao, (wen hua shi); Minhai Gui, (li shi). Shenyang: Liaoning daxue chubanshe 辽宁大学出版社, 1996. Series: Shijie wenhuashi zhi shi = The best in world civilization, 5.
  • 雍正十年: 那条瑞典船的故事 / Yongzheng shi nian: na tiao Ruidian chuan de gushi = The stories around the Swedish ship. By Ahai 阿海, 1964-. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe 中国社会科学出版社, 2006.
  • 解碼哥德堡號. 1, 真相與謊言 / Jiema Gedebao hao. 1, Zhenxiang yu huangyan Author: Ruihai Zhong 鍾瑞海 [= Ahai?]. Hong Kong: Kaiyi chubanshe 開益出版社, 2006. [Unclear but sometimes listed as Ahai’s work]
  • 我愛中國的豬頭肉: 阿海隨筆 / Wo ai Zhongguo de zhutourou: Ahai sui bi [I love Chinese pig-head meat: Essays by Ahai]. By Ahai 阿海. 文化藝術出版社, Hong Kong: Wenhua yishu chubanshe, 2007.
  • 废物再利用: 环保手工 / Feiwu zai liyong: huanbao shougong [Garbage and recycling: Craftsmen of environmental protecion]. By Ahai 阿海. Ha’erbin: Heilongjiang
    meishu chubanshe 黑龙江美术出版社, 2007.
  • 我把黑森林留给你:阿海随笔(2007)
  • 女儿国与走婚: 来自一个另类世界的故事 / Nüerguo yu zouhun: laizi yige linglei shijie de gushi = Female kingdom & visiting marriage: stories about another kind of culture.
    By Ahai 阿海. Beijing: Jiuzhou chubanshe 九州出版社, 2014.